Policyholders and Applicants

Policyholders and Applicants

If you are a policyholder or have recently applied for an insurance policy, a UPFRO Representative may visit your property. Here are a few things you should know: Exterior Reports, Most inspections are completed from the exterior of your property without an appointment. You do not need to be home. Knock First Policy The UPFRO representative will knock on your door or ring your doorbell before completing their survey. If you are not home, the exterior of your property may be photographed and measured. Standard information describing your building and property will be obtained. You may receive a telephone call requesting additional information following our visit.

Fair Credit Policy

If you wish to obtain information from our report, you must request this by writing to our offices. You must include your signature, the insurance company's name, and the policy number. Please include any specific concerns you may have. UPFRO does not accept faxed or emailed requests for information. These policies are for your protection. Fair Credit Brochure

Photo Identification

All UPFRO Representatives carry and display photo identification. Click Here for a Sample ID UPFRO Representatives carry business cards as well. You may verify that our representative works for UPFRO by calling us during regular business hours. 1(800)423-7099 Eastern Standard Time


UPFRO appreciates your cooperation; however, if you choose not to allow our representative to view your property, this will be honored, and our representative will leave your property immediately. UPFRO will relay this information to your insurance company. We will only return to your property as directed. Hazards: UPFRO will not complete any survey when any potentially hazardous condition(s) may exist. All dogs and other potentially dangerous animals should be penned, leashed, or secured. Underage Children UPFRO representatives will not complete their survey if minor children are home unattended. We thank you for your cooperation.

Report Information

The information and photos gathered will be sent directly to your insurance company. If you have questions about your insurance policy, don't hesitate to contact your agent or insurance representative. UPFRO complies with Fair Credit Guidelines described in the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA). Please feel free to access our Fair Credit Brochure.


Our representative may leave a message on your telephone, email, text, or answering machine requesting to set up an appointment with you. Please return their call within one business day. You may call our offices at 1(800)423-7099 during regular business hours or call your agent or insuring company to confirm this request. UPFRO thanks you for your cooperation.